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This tutorial series covers the CanSat competition from its introduction to advanced design and flight preparation stages.

Overview of the CanSat Competition

  • Brief history and purpose: Explain the origins and objectives of the CanSat competition, highlighting its educational and practical aspects.
  • Key objectives and mission requirements: Detail the primary goals of the competition and the specific requirements for the 2024 mission.

Understanding the Mission

  • Detailed explanation of the 2024 mission requirements: Break down the mission objectives, constraints, and deliverables.
  • Specific goals and constraints for the CanSat design: Outline the specific parameters and limitations that the CanSat design must adhere to.

Team Organization

  • Roles and responsibilities within the team: Define the roles of team members and their respective responsibilities.
  • Effective team communication and collaboration tools: Recommend tools and strategies for efficient communication and collaboration within the team.

Initial Design Concepts

  • Brainstorming and concept development: Encourage creative thinking and idea generation for the CanSat design.
  • Identifying key components and subsystems: Define the essential components and subsystems that make up the CanSat.
  • Creating initial design sketches and diagrams: Provide guidelines for creating preliminary design sketches and diagrams.

Prototyping and Testing

  • Building basic prototypes: Guide the team in constructing initial prototypes based on their design concepts.
  • Conducting initial tests to validate design concepts: Outline test procedures to validate the functionality and performance of the prototypes.
  • Iterating on designs based on test results: Emphasize the iterative nature of design improvement based on testing outcomes.

Preparing for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR)

  • What to include in the PDR slides: Provide a checklist of essential elements to include in the Preliminary Design Review presentation.
  • Tips for creating effective presentations: Offer tips and best practices for creating compelling and informative PDR presentations.
  • Submission process and deadlines: Explain the process for submitting PDR materials and the associated deadlines.

Critical Design Review (CDR)

  • Detailed steps for finalizing the CanSat design: Provide a structured approach for completing the critical design phase.
  • Selecting and ordering components: Guide the team in selecting and procuring necessary components for the CanSat.
  • Assembling and integrating subsystems: Outline the assembly process and integration of subsystems into the CanSat structure.

Subsystem Testing and Validation

  • Detailed testing procedures for each subsystem: Define comprehensive testing protocols for ensuring the functionality and reliability of each subsystem.
  • Ensuring reliability and functionality: Emphasize the importance of rigorous testing to validate the CanSat's performance under simulated conditions.
  • Documenting test results and making necessary adjustments: Stress the need for thorough documentation and iterative refinement based on test outcomes.

Flight Unit Development

  • Building the final flight-ready CanSat: Provide guidelines for assembling the flight-ready CanSat unit.
  • Integrating telemetry and data logging systems: Explain the integration of telemetry and data logging systems for mission data collection.
  • Ensuring compliance with competition rules and specifications: Highlight the importance of adherence to competition rules and specifications during CanSat development.

Launch Preparation

  • Conducting the Flight Readiness Review (FRR): Detail the procedures for assessing the readiness of the CanSat for launch.
  • Performing pre-launch tests and checklists: Provide a checklist of pre-launch tests and preparations to ensure a successful launch.
  • Packing and transporting the CanSat safely: Guide the team in safely packing and transporting the CanSat to the launch site.

Launch Day Operations

  • Step-by-step guide for launch day: Provide a structured timeline and checklist for activities on the day of the launch.
  • Coordinating with launch providers: Explain the coordination process with launch providers for a smooth launch operation.
  • Monitoring CanSat performance during the flight: Detail the procedures for monitoring and collecting data during the CanSat's flight.

Post-Flight Review (PFR)

  • Analyzing flight data and performance: Guide the team in analyzing post-flight data and evaluating the CanSat's performance.
  • Preparing the PFR presentation: Provide guidelines for creating a comprehensive Post-Flight Review presentation.
  • Reflecting on lessons learned and areas for improvement: Encourage reflection on the mission outcomes and identification of areas for future improvement.
