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🚀 Welcome to Our CanSat Team's Home Page!

About the CanSat Competition

The CanSat Competition, organized by the American Astronomical Society, is a prestigious design-build-fly competition that simulates the entire lifecycle of an aerospace system development project. The competition mirrors real-world aerospace missions, including phases such as preliminary design, critical design, launch, and post-flight review. Each team designs, builds, and tests a small satellite, known as a CanSat, which is launched on a rocket to perform a specified mission.

🌌 Our Mission

For the 2024 competition, the mission simulates a space probe entering a planetary atmosphere. Our CanSat must:

  • Function as a nose cone during ascent: It will be launched to an altitude of 725 meters.
  • Deploy a heat shield after deployment: This will control the descent rate between 10 to 30 meters per second.
  • Release a parachute at 100 meters altitude: To reduce the descent rate to less than 5 meters per second.
  • Carry a large hen's egg: The egg must survive the entire flight intact.

📅 Competition Phases

  1. Application Phase: Teams submit applications and a non-refundable fee to participate. Only the first three teams from each school are accepted.
  2. Preliminary Design Review (PDR): Teams develop initial designs and prototypes, presenting their PDR slides for review.
  3. Critical Design Review (CDR): Teams finalize designs, order components, and prepare for the launch.
  4. Launch Weekend: Teams undergo a Flight Readiness Review, perform the launch, and ensure the CanSat meets all mission requirements.
  5. Post Flight Review (PFR): Teams present the flight results and answer questions. Awards are given based on performance.

👨‍🚀 Our Team

mention team name Our team is composed of dedicated students from Punjab Engineering College. We have been selected to participate in this year's CanSat competition based on our innovative designs and rigorous testing procedures. Our goal is to not only meet but exceed the mission requirements, ensuring our CanSat performs flawlessly during each phase of the competition. - Mention team members with their linkdin ids

🛤️ Our Journey

From brainstorming sessions to late-night testing in the lab, our journey in the CanSat competition has been an incredible learning experience. We've honed our skills in areas such as:

  • Aerospace Engineering: Understanding the principles of flight and satellite design.
  • Systems Engineering: Managing the complex interplay of subsystems within the CanSat.
  • Telemetry and Data Analysis: Developing systems to track and analyze flight data in real-time.

maybe skills arent neceesary

🌟 Follow Our Progress

Stay tuned for updates on our progress as we move through each phase of the competition. We will share our experiences, challenges, and milestones, providing insights into the exciting world of aerospace engineering.

Follow us on social media and our project pages to stay connected:

🙏 Acknowledgements

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our advisors, sponsors, and the American Astronomical Society for their support and for providing us with this incredible opportunity to learn and grow.